Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Avengers

This morning's breakfast was awesome. We had gallo pinto (rice and beans), scrambled eggs, pineapple, banana, coffee, and bread with my favorite jelly. Delicious! I am going to miss the breakfast here. In class today, we did arts and crafts :) We had to make a big poster of our "ideal school." We got to draw, color, cut pictures out of magazines and glue them on the poster, etc. I don't remember the last time we did crafts for class! For our ideal school, Leo Dicaprio and Johnny Depp were professors, George Clooney was the dean, Beyonce was our dance class instructor, we had a room for naps, we were right next to the beach, and free fresh fruit for lunch every day. Sounds pretty good to me!

After class, Kaydee, Kayla, Grace and I went to the cafe that I went to last week. This time I got rice, chicken, salad, and tamarindo juice. I did not like the juice at all! Then Kaydee and I went to San Pedro Mall across town. We went to the movie theater in the mall and saw The Avengers in 3D. It was $6 per person. It would have cost $12 per person in Iowa! It was a good movie! After the movie, we got a McFlurry and walked around the mall. We needed some American time! The mall is really nice and looks kind of like an American mall. I want to visit the mall again before I leave! We might go to another movie this weekend.

I couldn't recruit another person to go on the volcano/coffee plantation tour with us this weekend, but Victor said that we can go with just 4 people. So hopefully everyone still wants to go because it sounds awesome!

Bethany and I just got back from the store Pali. We had to buy some apples for class tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day that our class is going to the cloud forest Juncos. We're going to learn about how Juncos is conserving the wildlife and trees. I think we also get to plant some trees and seeds, so that should be fun! See Dad, I like to do yardwork sometimes! :) Anyways, each student is bringing a little snack so that we can all eat together at the forest.

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