Thursday, May 31, 2012

Final Exam

This morning for breakfast I had pineapple, coffee, scrambled eggs, bread, and blackberry jelly instead of guava jelly. I didn't really like it. I wanted my guava! :)

In class today, we celebrated Bethany's birthday that was yesterday, and Raychael's birthday that is tomorrow. Our professor brought us a chocolate and strawberry cake with coffee. It was so good! Our teacher is so nice. A few days a week, too, she leaves class for a couple minutes and comes back with pieces of candy, like butterscotch, cinnamon, rootbeer barrels, or mints. After eating cake, we reviewed the homework and she taught a quick lesson on the history of Latin America.

Next, we took our 30 minute break and then took our final exam. It was comprehensive, so it covered all of the verb tenses. It had 4 parts of fill in the blank and write sentences. Then, we had a 150 essay about what we think the world would be like if something were different. We had to pick a scenario, and I chose if there was no internet. I said that it would be good because people would need to be more intelligent because they couldn't rely on the internet for all of the information and that there would be more personal relationships. But I said life would be more difficult because work and school would be harder, traveling would be more difficult, it'd be harder to have relationships with people that live far away, etc.

After class, Brandon, Bethany, Chelsea, Raychael and I went to San Pedro Mall to hang out for a little bit. We ate at McDonalds and I had a chicken sandwich and fries. Note to self: don't eat McDonalds in Costa Rica. I got really sick from it. An hour later, I was at home in bed. I'm feeling a little better now, but still not the best. I rested today for about 5 hours. I took a quick nap then laid in bed and watched a movie that my professor gave to me to watch. It's called the Motorcycle Diaries. I watched it in Spanish with English subtitles. It was pretty good! It's about 2 young men that travel South and Latin America to study leprosy. It's just about the lives of the people in America in the 1940s and 50s. I guess it's a real story, too.

For dinner, we had potatoes, beef, and rice and beans. Then tonight, some of the roommates went to McDonalds to get ice cream after dinner. They asked me if I wanted to go along, and I said I'd had enough McDonalds for today..

No homework tonight! I am officially done with my 4 week Intensive Spanish class. It was a great class. I learned a lot and had fun! It was a great experience studying abroad. I am definitely going to miss the small class size! You just can't beat a class of 6 students.. I learned so much because of the more one-on-one teaching style.

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