Monday, May 14, 2012

Time to Go Home

Today we got up early again and had the same breakfast at Pan Pay. After breakfast, we took a 15 minute bus ride to another beach. It was a surfing beach! The waves were pretty big and there were a lot of surfers. I would have taken surfing lessons, but there was only 1 instructor and it was 50 dollars. Plus, they said the waves were really dangerous today. So, I didn't. But I'm glad I didn't, the waves were too big. Evan, a friend of mine in our group, was in the sea where the water was about to his waist. The current kept taking him farther and farther away from the shore. He kept trying to swim to shore, but he couldn't. The waves and current was too strong. He kept getting farther and farther away! Finally, the lifeguard had to go out and get him. Thank goodness the lifeguard was there!! It was pretty scary.

After that incident, we went to a different part of the beach with less waves. We were only at the beach for 2 hours. After the beach, we went back to the hotel and got on the bus to drive home. It took 5 hours again to get back to San Jose. It was a very quiet bus ride, everyone was tired.

When I got home, I unpacked and ate dinner. I had pasta and juice. It was so nice to have Angelis' food again! We also have two more girls from Arizona living in the house. Their names are Carly and Angela. Now there's 8 students living in the house. I did some homework later then went to bed. I was exhausted! It was a fun and exciting weekend.

Sloths in a tree along the highway. Not even in the forest!

Banana trees along the road. They grow banana trees here like we grow corn. There were miles and miles of them. Yum!

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