Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Monday 5/21/12

Today wasn't that eventful. For breakfast, I had a chocolatey cereal and fruit. In class, we talked about the future tense and practiced it. After class, a group of 6 people and I went downtown. We went to the art market and ate at a small diner. I had a hamburger and a pineapple smoothie. The hamburger was not good at all... it's definitely not Iowa beef!

I came home after that and did some homework. My allergies are acting up from Monteverde this weekend. I guess there was a lot of pollen and new trees that I'm not used to! It's hard to breathe and I'm all stuffed up, so I just rested today.

For dinner, we had a vegetable soup. It was basically just a broth with a few carrots and rice, but it was good! We had beef with the soup, too. Again, not the same as what I'm used to. We also had chayote (it's the name of the vegetable that I've had before and didn't know the name of it). It's green and tastes sort of like zucchini, but it doesn't have much flavor. I like it! And, we had corn on the cob (kind of). It was really small, white, and had tiny tiny grains. It's not Iowa sweet corn! But apparently they have sweet corn here, too.

Tonight, Bethany, the 2 girls from Arizona, and the 2 Tico boys talked for quite a bit. They were teaching us popular Costa Rica phrases. It was good Spanish practice. I went to bed early tonight, I didn't get much sleep over the weekend!

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