Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dos Pinos

This morning was a tough one. I was so tired! It was hard to stay awake. Last night after dance class, Carly (one of the new girls in the house) and I accidentally were showering at the same time. So, the electricity shut off in our bathrooms. Argelis was asleep, so I couldn't ask her for help, and the other students didn't know how to fix it. So this morning it still wasn't fixed and I had a freezing shower. It was so cold. Since the shower is run on electricity, it couldn't get hot. But, I fixed it with the breaker, so hopefully the water gets warm today!

For breakfast I had eggs, bread and jelly, and bananas and watermelon. Today in class we talked about the movie that we watched yesterday, then reviewed the future tense and did some listening activities. For class next week, we are going to a rainforest :) Field trip! I don't remember the last time that I had a field trip or watched a movie in class, or the last time a teacher had brought the class treats. It's awesome!

After class, Kaydee, Grace and I went to a little restaurant near school. I had a slice of pizza and afterwards we went to Dos Pinos, a really famous ice cream place here. I have barely had any kind of sweets since I've gotten here. I needed some American food!! I had a caramel ice cream. Yum!

Then, we went to Pali to get some snacks for during the week. We got some apples and crackers. The snacks are so limited here. All they really have are crackers or cookies. Kaydee bought a can of Off bug spray, just a normal size, and it cost $8. Expensive! I am nervous to see how much sunscreen is, because I need some. I also found 2 bakeries near my house. They have bread, pastries, sweets, pop, juice, everything!

Tonight I just did homework. I have a presentation tomorrow and I needed to write and practice that. I also had a few sheets of grammar homework. I don't like all of this homework! For dinner I had beans, rice, and a soup thing with sausage, potatoes and carrots. It was really good! I am for sure going to miss her cooking when I go home.

Caramel ice cream at Dos Pinos.

My schedule for this weekend's excursion!

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