Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Monday 5/28/2012

This morning for breakfast we had pancakes, coffee, mango and watermelon. The pancakes were really good! In class today, we reviewed the subjunctive and practiced it. Eugenia also brought in a few sculptures of the different Virgin Marys so that we could talk about them for a little bit.

I have 2 articles to read for homework tonight with some questions to answer about them. I also have a presentation due Wednesday about the dance Salsa. For that presentation, I am partners with Raychael.

Today after class, Kaydee, Nijie and I took the bus downtown. We ate at a small restaurant, I don’t remember the name, but it was okay. I had a huge plate of chicken and rice, a drink of mixed fruits and water, and a bun. I didn’t like the chicken, so I picked all of that out. The meat here is not that good!

Nijie stayed downtown, but Kaydee and I walked back to Veritas. We had no idea where we were going, but we would see something that we recognized, and so we would keep walking until we saw something else we recognized. And we made it back! We didn’t even have to ask anyone for directions J

On the way home, we stopped at the Super Pacifico store by the green pizzeria by my house. I bought a new umbrella for $5 and an ice cream drumstick. It was pouring, so good thing I bought an umbrella! I liked that little store. I wish I would have found it earlier.

When I got home, I uploaded all of the rafting pictures from the CD to my computer. The pictures are awesome! I’m so glad we bought the CD. I’m also so glad I did rafting! I want to do it again! Rafting was probably the best trip I've been on here.

Then I did my homework. It wasn’t that hard, but one article about Afghanistan had a lot of new vocabulary, so it took me a little while to read through that article. I also skyped Mom and Dad. Dad was wearing the same Ely firemen’s breakfast shirt as I was! Later, when I skyped Cody, he was wearing the same shirt, too! My roommates thought it was hilarious. They said it must be an “Iowa thing” that everyone wears the same shirt!

For dinner, we had a stew-type thing with beans, carrots, pork, and potatoes, salad with mango, and rice. Argelis sat down with us at the end, and Mario and Osael bought her a Tres Leches cherry cake for her birthday since they weren’t here to celebrate it with her last weekend. She was so happy! The cake was okay. Tres leches isn’t my favorite! It was kind of spongey. We also took a lot of family pictures because everyone was there.

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