Thursday, May 10, 2012

Honk Honk!

Buenos dias a todos! Today for breakfast I had scrambled eggs with tomatoes and onions in them, bananas and watermelon, coffee, and crackers. So of course I put butter on the crackers and dipped them in my coffee! Also, there's a plant that is in the hallway outside my door to hold open the door to the backyard. This morning, it was in the middle of the hallway, I tripped on it, it fell over and shattered. The dirt/soil was everywhere. Why am I so clumsy?! I felt terrible, but Argelis said it was no big deal. I'm still going to try to find another pot for her plant that I broke. We saved the plant and its roots!

In class today, we reviewed the past tenses again and reviewed other grammar, such as how to correctly say "It's been one week since I arrived in Costa Rica, but before then I had lived in Iowa." (Hace una semana que yo llegué a Costa Rica, pero antes, yo había vivido en Iowa.) I also had to give my presentation in class. It went well!

After class today, I went on a bike riding tour with someone from Veritas and about 6 other students. We went biking through downtown San Jose for about an hour and a half. It was nice because we got to see a lot of cool parts of the city, but it was so hot and dangerous! Picture riding on bikes with helmets on the actual streets of New York or Chicago. We rode on the streets with the cars. About every car honked at us (hence the title of this post Honk Honk!). It was scary! And, there were 3 huge hills. I had to get off my bike and walk it up the hill. While cars were passing me! But, I lived and my legs are most definitely going to hurt tomorrow.

After the tour, I grabbed a quick snack and sat in the Veritas cafeteria and made some new friends. One is from Kansas but goes to Iowa State, and the other is from California. We just sat and relaxed for a while. We all went on the bike tour together, so we needed to rest! Then I came home and am now getting ready to do homework. Or take a nap.. :)

I did homework. I think this is the first day that I didn't nap! I just got back from dance class not that long ago. It was fun tonight! We reviewed the merengue and salsa again, and learned the bachatta. It's a workout. A lot of moving your hips.. it's a lot different than line dancing, that's for sure!

I am going to quick finish homework then pack for Puerto Viejo this weekend! It's in the Caribbean. It's about a 4-5 hour bus ride there and back. We leave tomorrow around 1 and get back Sunday around 6 or 7 pm. So I won't be able to blog until Sunday night! Ciao!

Kaydee and I at Veritas before the bike tour. We're such Gringos! (White people/tourists)

Caccoons in our backyard. They will soon be butterflies!

A friend was waiting for me in my room when I got back from school.

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