Monday, May 21, 2012

Ziplining - Sunday 5/20/2012

This morning we got up at 6 and ate breakfast. We had eggs, toast, and a tiny bit of fruit. At 7:30, we left to go ziplining. I was so nervous and scared! I was worried that the line would break, that I would go too fast.. I was worried about a lot of things. We ziplined with a company called 100% Adventure. It really was an adventure!
We got there and we had to sign wavers saying that we wouldn't sue the company if we got hurt or died. Yeah, that made me feel a ton better... Then the guides put our equipment on us. We needed a harness around our waist, a hook, a helmet, and gloves. One of the guides showed us a demonstration and gave us instructions. The guides would hook and unhook us to the lines. To go down the line, we had to hold onto the ropes with our left hand, and put our right hands way behind us on the line. To brake, we had to pull ourselves up on the line. It was a lot harder and a lot more exercise than I expected.

We had 2 practice platforms, which were really small and not too high up. Then came the real thing. There were probably 10 platforms that we did, which is 10 lines that I ziplined. The first one I was pretty nervous for. After that, I was okay. But, the lines kept getting higher and higher. The last one was the highest. So I kept getting more relaxed because I was used to ziplining, but then as it got higher, I got a little more nervous.
To get to some of the platforms, we had to hike up a trail that was uphill in the forest. Another workout! My legs were burning. After the last zipline, we had the option of doing the Tarzan Swing. I didn't want to do it at first. To do it, you walk on a wobbly suspension bridge over the forest. The guides hook you up to a rope that connects to your harness on your waist. Then they open the gate and you jump off the platform. You free-fall and then the rope jerks you up, and you swing back and forth like a pendulum. I had my harness off and everything because I didn't have the sudden urge to jump off a bridge. But everyone else did, so I did too. Peer pressure! I am so glad I did it though. I was screaming the entire time, but it was an adventure!

**On my facebook page, there are 2 videos. One video is of me ziplining. The other is of a girl in my group doing the Tarzan swing. It's not me, but I jumped right after her.

After that, we went back to the hotel, ate lunch at the Treehouse Cafe (I had pineapple juice and a BLT and fries), and then we went on the bus back home. When I got home, I just relaxed and went to bed early. It was a long but exciting weekend! Best trip ever.

This is what I had to jump off of to do the Tarzan swing. It was really high!!

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