Sunday, May 6, 2012

El Segundo Dia

I woke up to the birds again this morning, they're really loud. I just ate breakfast. Argelis made me scrambled eggs, pan (bread) with jelly, hot tea, and arroz con frijoles (rice and beans), which is what Alessandro's family makes all the time. It was delicious!

Me in the taxi.

Bethany and I at the restaurant.
Bethany, Argelis and I went to downtown San Jose this afternoon for a couple hours. We took a taxi down there. People don't wear seatbelts, they don't stop and they drive like crazy! There's no street names or house numbers either. To tell someone where I live, I say I'm 50 meters north of a landmark and I'm the green house. It's really weird. We ate at a restaurant downtown and ate "comida tipica," typical Costa Rican food. It was awesome. I had pure pineapple juice, grilled chicken and pork in tortillas, rice and beans, and platanos. Then we had an ice cream cone and came back home. It's now downpouring. I guess it's going to rain every day. Siesta time!

Bethany and I went to Pali again to buy some snacks for the house. A 3 liter bottle of Fanta costs $6 here. Expensive! We just got some crackers/cookies. They don't have much there for snacks. I am excited for classes to start, that way I have something to do! I met another girl that lives with us. Her name is Sarasita and she's from the Honduras (a few countries above Costa Rica). She is studying architecture at Veritas and she seems nice. The things I miss so far from the United States are pop and good water. The house doesn't have that Culligan water machine because they said that the water here is ok to drink (so did the other foreign exchange students), but it still tastes funny to me. I think I'll be drinking a lot of coffee here. I never thought I'd say that! I'm turning into mom!

For dinner, we had ham and cheese sandwiches on really good bread. I think there was a cream cheese type thing in the sandwich, too, not sure though. But it was delicious. Also, in case you'd like to know, I was in the bathroom and a moth attacked me while I was on the toilet. Yeah, that was fun.. I don't know where it is now. Hopefully it's not in my room! And I was in my room when something ran across the roof above me. It was probably a cat or raccoon or squirrel. But it was loud! Last night, there were 2 huge cats fighting in our neighbor's front porch for about half an hour. It was so annoying. They made weird whiny noises, like something you'd here in a horror movie.

Bedtime now! I need to wake up at 6:15 tomorrow morning so the electrician can come and fix my outlet in my room. Cody, you need to come fix it :) Classes start at 8 am. Buenas noches!

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