Friday, May 25, 2012

Brother Bear

Before breakfast, Bethany and I gave Argelis her birthday present since her birthday is tomorrow and we're not going to be here for it. She loved the bracelet and cake. I think she really appreciated it.

This morning for breakfast, we had awesome food. We had gallo pinto with scrambled eggs, coffee with milk and sugar, pineapple, bananas, mango, cheese, and bread. She forgot to put my favorite jelly out, so I had to ask her for it :) Of course I'm going to have guava jelly with my bread in the morning!

In class today, we gave our presentations about the Virgin Mary. I think everyone's went pretty well. One group had made a video of their own, with pictures and they sounded out a story. It was a good idea. I got my midterm exam back today, too. I got 100%! I only have 1 more presentation and 1 more exam to go. And only 1 more week of classes!! It seems like I've been here forever, but it's gone by pretty fast. Today we also started learning about the subjunctive. I already learned it in my other classes, but it's a good review. In Spanish, there is only so much you can learn. Then you get to a point where all you can do is practice. I'm at that point where I just need to practice.

After class, I paid for my trip to go white water rafting on Sunday. There are only 2 others besides me that are going. It's not with the school, but the school is setting us up with another company. So there will be other non-Veritas students rafting with us. Hopefully it's fun. It's weird not being gone an entire weekend on an excursion. This is the first Friday night that I've actually been in San Jose! (Besides the very first night).

For lunch, Grace, Kaydee and I went to a pizzeria called El Mana. I had a personal pan pizza with ham and mushrooms. It was really good pizza! Elias, my host mom's son, said that it's one of his favorite pizza places. He was right, it was delicious! And cheap, so that's always good.

Kaydee and I checked out 2 movies from the library to watch. One was El Dorado, and the other was Brother Bear. Yes, both are kids/cartoon movies. But we were hoping to watch them in Spanish :) We thought they would be easier to understand. Right now, we probably speak Spanish like we are 8 years old. We're getting better, though! El Dorado didn't work, so we watched Brother Bear at Kaydee's house. But, strangely, it didn't have an option for Spanish audio or subtitles, so we watched it all in English. Oh well, it was still cute! (Amy- I spy something with a vertical log... tree!)

I left Kaydee's house at 3. Not exaggerating, right when I walked out of her from door, it started pouring. It's terrible walking home several blocks in the rain! I did have an umbrella, but the way it rains here, you get wet even if you have one. It rained from 3 until about 8 today.

Tonight, I had nothing to do, so I watched a movie on my laptop that my professor gave me. I don't have homework this weekend, so I couldn't do that. The first time I actually have free time to do homework, I don't have any! I watched part of a zombie movie with my tico roommates (the American girls are gone) and then ate Chinese take-out for dinner. Their Chinese is a lot different here. They use a really weird strange sauce on it. I did not like the taste at all. Also, their pork here is bright/hot pink. I didn't eat the meat.. Then I packed for my trip tomorrow, and now I'm going to bed! Good night!

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