Tuesday, May 15, 2012


This morning for breakfast I had eggs, bread and jelly, pineapple, and coffee. Today in class we watched a movie called Arrancame la Vida. It was about 2 hours long, in Spanish, about a girl who lived in Mexico. She married at age 16 to an older general, probably about age 35, in Mexico. It's about her life and how women were treated in the 1930s. It was a good movie, but a little akward to watch in class because there were a lot of sex scenes and nudity... No way could we get away with watching that movie in the US!

Today I paid for my trip to Monteverde this weekend. I'm officially going! I'm excited. After class, a group of 3 of us went downtown San Jose to go to the museum again, and today it was open. It cost $4 to get in. It was pretty cool. There was one part where we got to go in an actual tower of a castle, which was part of the museum. There were lots of butterflies, too. We had to go to look at the Indian art because I have a presentation over that on Thursday.  I have to explain now nature influenced indigenous abstract art. I didn't get very much information from the museum, so we'll see how that goes!

For lunch, we ate at a restaurant called Spoon. (The Spoon family!!) :) It was pretty good. I had a strawberry smoothie (made from fresh strawberries), a chicken wrap and some french fries. And I didn't get lost on the bus this time!

I wrote a lot of my presentation tonight when I got back home from Spoon. But, I found myself sleeping on my laptop a few times.. oops! I should have taken a nap. For dinner, we had chicken, carrotts, a new vegetable that I have never had before, rice, and lemonade. The vegetable was big, green, and cooked so it was very soft. It didn't have much flavor. I'll have to find out what it was.

I just got back from dance class. Class is always so fun! Tonight we practiced the merengue and salsa again. I'm getting better. It's hard! The people on TV make it look so easy. It rained from around 1 today until 8. And when it rains here, it usually pours. It was actually storming today with thunder and lightning. So we took a taxi to dance class. Before Costa Rica, I had never taken a taxi. Now I take them quite a bit. But it's hard to tell taxis where to pick you up and where you want to go because there are no addresses or street names here. You can say "I want to go to the old church," even if the church isn't there anymore. You're just supposed to know it was there. It's extremely confusing.

This is a stone sphere. A lot of them are really big. A lot of these were found in Costa Rica in 1939 and they were made by indigenous people of Costa Rica. But, they're perfectly round and smooth. It's a mystery to how they were made so perfectly, especially since it was so long ago, and why they were made.

A part of downtown San Jose. And yes, it did rain. Just look at the clouds!

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