Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Men in Black 3

This morning for breakfast we had froot loops, bananas and pineapple, coffee, bread and jelly. Today in class, we finished the class presentation and I also gave my Salsa presentation. It went really well. At the end, Raychael and I demonstrated how to dance the Salsa. We made the 4 other students in class do it, too. It was fun!

This weekend, I want to do something since it's my last weekend, but most students are leaving the country on Saturday and some others want to go somewhere for the entire weekend. I only want to be gone on Saturday so that I can spend Sunday here with the family and packing. So I asked my professor if she had any suggestions, and she recommended Turtle Island. There's a company that takes care of everything for you for an entire day for about $80. I'd be gone all day on Saturday, but for some of the time I'd be on a boat and then at the island for a few hours. Kaydee and I want to go, so we asked her how to make reservations. Apparently we had to call the company and make reservations. But, neither of us have phones and the people would talk WAY to fast for us. My teacher was super nice and called the company for us on her cell phone and made the reservation for us! So this weekend we're going to Turtle Island :) Hopefully it's fun!

After class, we were supposed to have that ambassador meeting, but no one showed up. Instead, Kaydee and I went to San Pedro Mall again. We ate lunch at Wendy's because we only had a little while until Men in Black 3 started at the theater. The movie was in English with Spanish subtitles, and it cost $2 to get in. It's cheap Wednesday! The movie was actually kind of funny, even though I haven't seen the 1st or 2nd movies.

Then I did some homework. I had 1 page of homework, a written essay portion of my final exam tomorrow, and then I have to study for my exam tomorrow. My professor said it was easy and it's mostly just application. My written essay was 200 words about a how Japan's population is decreasing and they need more workers. Apparently, to get more workers, they built human clones that are robots. Weird!

Tonight for dinner we had spaghetti, salad, and home-made chocolate cake with ice cream for Bethany's birthday. The cake was delicious! But the spaghetti not so much. Their beef just has a funky taste to it..

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