Tuesday, May 22, 2012


For breakfast this morning, I had coffee, scrambled eggs, and sweet dinner rolls with my favorite guava jelly. I have to find some guava jelly when I get home. It's delicious!

In class today, I got back 2 of my assignments. There are no grades on them, but only "Muy bien!" (Very good.) I think I'm doing pretty well in class. Today we talked about the future tense again and got assigned a presentation that's on Friday. It's about the Virgin Mary of Cuba. It's a group presentation and my partners are Bethany and Raychael.

After class today, Kaydee and I went to talk to Victor at the Tico Viajero (Travel) office. There is no excursion lined up for this weekend. A lot of students want to go off on their own to go to a beach to lay out. I am not a huge beach person and would rather do activities than lay on the beach, so Kaydee and I are trying to get a few people to go on a one-day excursion with Veritas. We'd go visit 3 waterfalls, Poas volcano (the 2nd largest volcano in the world), a coffee plantation, and a place with a ton of animals, kind of like a zoo. They have monkeys, snakes, macaws, toucans, lions, etc. I think it'd be really fun, but it might be hard to find enough people to go. We need at least 5 people, so hopefully we can recruit enough students!

Then we ate at a Soda near school. A soda is like a US diner. I had nachos and guava juice. The nachos were pretty good. I prefer guava in jelly, not a juice. :)

I came home and rested. I sleep and rest so much here! I think it's just because it's always so hot, we eat a lot less and better here, and we have to walk everywhere. Then I did some homework for a while.

Tonight for dinner, we had rice with chicken, a salad, and bread. It was pretty good. I am going to ask my mama tica how to make her rice with chicken. All of the roommates were at dinner tonight: me, Bethany, 2 girls from Arizona, 1 girl from Honduras who's been here a year, and 2 tico boys from Costa Rica who have been here over a year. Bethany and I were telling everyone about the tornadoes in Iowa. They don't get them in Arizona or here, so they knew very little about them. We showed them YouTube videos of the Parkersburg tornado (F5). They couldn't believe how scary it was, how much damage it caused, and that people died in the tornado. One of the boys actually asked, "They don't go through cities, though, do they? Because then you'd have to rebuild the city." He was shocked that they ruin everything and we have to build everything over again. The girl from Honduras asked where we go for a tornado, we said we go downstairs and that a lot of houses have a special "storm cellar" or room for tornadoes. And we told her that if you're driving, you're supposed to get out and lie in a ditch so that the tornado hopefully goes over you. She thought that was amazing that we lie in a ditch instead of trying to drive away. But she did ask if cows will float around the tornado like in the movies since we live in Iowa with a lot of cows.. haha I laughed at that one.

Costa Rica doesn't have hurricanes, either, since the country is so close to the equator. They do have earthquakes, though. The population of San Jose, the capital, is about 2 million (including surrounding towns). The population of Costa Rica as a whole is about 4.5 million people. Costa Rica is about the size of Vermont and New Hampshire combined. They're democratic and 70% of the people are Catholic. People seem very religious here.

I'm going to bed early again tonight. Hopefully resting enough will help clear up my allergies! By the way, I hear a bug in my room and I can't find it. Hopefully it stays out of my bed!! Buenas noches!

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